Miss the first part of our series? Click here for tips on organic foods, cleaning products and furniture.
The second part of our organic blog series involves three things—clothes, soap and coconut oil. The first two are necessities that we use each and every day so it’s important that we know exactly what our skin is touching and absorbing. Synthetic fabrics and ingredients that you can’t even pronounce don’t sound very appealing to us. Formaldehyde and Diethanolamine are present in way too many household items and these toxins can lead to negative health consequences. Switching over to more sustainable and natural products benefits both you and the environment. Savvy Rest uses organic and natural materials that are free of chemical flame retardants because we care about the safety of our customers. We want to expand this discussion about organic products beyond the bedroom (and the living room) and talk about other organic products you should introduce into your life. Are you ready?
Organic Fabrics
When you’re shopping for a cute blouse or a comfy sweater, you’re probably not thinking that the cotton it’s made of has been treated with insecticides. The reality is that 22.5% of the world’s insecticides and 10% of the world’s pesticides are used on cotton, the fabric that is, well, everywhere. That is an alarming statistic. Using chemicals is a cheaper way to ensure that crops are not eaten or killed by insects but why should saving money be at the expense of our health? There are natural alternatives to spraying crops with chemicals that can actually involve other plants. Certain plants like oregano, parsley and nasturtiums are known for repelling insects such as beetles and aphids. Plants have uses beyond food or aesthetics. They serve a purpose within their environment and can be used to benefit other living organisms, creating a non-toxic alternative to a chemical-filled norm.
In 2015, a fashion documentary called The True Cost was released. It explored both the harmful environmental practices of most major clothing retailers and the horrifying mistreatment of overseas workers who make the clothes that people wear everyday. The documentary includes an interview with Larhea Pepper, an American organic cotton farmer in Texas who was raised to respect the land and to see land as the very essence of life. She explains exactly how much cotton is grown in the plains of Texas and how farms operate: “They’re 3.6 million acres of cotton grown in this region. We’re literally the biggest cotton patch in the world. In the past 10 years, 80% of that is now GMO—genetically modified cotton. Most of it is roundup ready, meaning that instead of the farmers spot spraying occasionally in their fields or hiring laborers to walk the fields and eliminate the weeds, now they’re spraying whole fields.”

More and more clothing companies are emerging that offer organic fabrics and practice fair trade. Organic and natural fabrics are always better than synthetic ones, both in terms of your own personal health and the health of our planet. Our mattresses are made with an organic cotton and wool casing. We avoid the use of harmful chemicals and instead embrace the comfort of organic and natural materials. From our organic, customizable pillows to our organic bedding, we’re all about fabrics that will improve your sleep while respecting our planet.
Organic Soaps
Everyone loves a good skincare product but how exactly do we define “good?” A soap might have a pleasant smell or feel like it’s moisturizing but sometimes the most popular products are filled with chemicals and artificial ingredients. You wouldn’t want to have your shower faucet spray out chemicals you can’t even pronounce so why would you want them in your soap? Luckily, there are lots of organic soaps to choose from!
Our skin absorbs about 60% of the products that we put on it so it’s important that those ingredients are as beneficial and safe as possible. It’s also the largest organ of the body and sometimes it can take quite a beating with bruises, cuts, dryness, rashes, etc. Choosing products made with organic oils, fruits and oats will give you a healthy and luxurious bathing experience. Think about what your skin needs, what scents you’re attracted to, and if you’re looking for something invigorating or more on the relaxing side. Choosing organic and natural products is a simple and fun way to take care of yourself. I personally love olive oil soaps because they’re very moisturizing and soothing for the skin. Check out your local farmers market or natural food and beauty store to see what type of organic skincare products they offer.

Organic Coconut Oil
Organic coconut oil has been blowing up the internet recently and with good reason. It can be used for cooking, personal hygiene and household cleaning. It’s incredibly versatile and therefore, a money saver. Instead of buying product after product for each of your needs, you can simply buy a jar of organic coconut oil at your local food store and call it a day. But what specifically can you use this magical product from the heavens for, you ask? Let me share a few of my favorites.
I keep a jar of organic coconut oil on my bathroom counter right next to my bamboo makeup organizer and my mason jar filled with makeup brushes (I take my bathroom counter seriously). First of all, organic coconut oil smells amazing. It’s not an overpowering scent which is nice since perfumes can sometimes give me a headache. I also have very sensitive skin but have found coconut oil to be gentle enough for me.
I use coconut oil as…
- Lip balm
- Shaving cream
- Facial moisturizer
- Body lotion
- Hair moisturizer/overnight mask
- Highlighter for my cheekbones
- Ointment
Still want to try…
- Oil pulling
- Body scrub
- Soothing sunburns
- Soothing itchy bug bites
To learn about even more uses for organic coconut oil, check out this extensive list!
Go Organic
Switching over to organic products is exciting because you’re learning about ingredients that can greatly benefit your body, mood and overall health. I’ve found researching organic products to be an interesting and fun process; I’m educating myself on something that will better my life. I’ve read articles, watched YouTube videos and tried products firsthand and I honestly can’t get enough of it. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and introduce some organic products into your life!