Natural Living Archives | Savvy Rest Tue, 02 Jul 2024 18:48:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What is Greenwashing? Tue, 18 Jun 2024 16:02:26 +0000 How to spot greenwashing & why you should care.

The post What is Greenwashing? appeared first on Savvy Rest.

You’ve probably heard the term if you are part of the natural living community, but what exactly does “greenwashing” mean?

In this article, we’ll dive into this popular term—defining it, but also expanding upon why we should care and how to truly shop ethically while honoring the planet. Environmentally-friendly companies are out there and need your support.

We will include common examples of greenwashing so you know how to spot greenwashing the next time you’re researching a brand.

Let’s get started!

What is Greenwashing?

Greenwashing is when a company makes very broad claims regarding their environmental commitment, monopolizing on a customer’s wish to support sustainable businesses with little or no basis. These companies know that customers wish to purchase ethical, eco-friendly products, so they twist their marketing language to serve their own agenda, attracting the consumer and painting an alluring picture that may not be totally truthful.

The term “greenwashing” was originally coined by Jay Westerveld in 1986, but has become incredibly relevant over the last decade as shoppers voice their concern about unethical manufacturing practices, toxic materials, wasteful packaging, pollution, & more.

What are Examples of Greenwashing?

Now that we’ve covered the overall greenwashing definition, here are some general greenwashing examples and terms you may see when shopping…

Using keywords like “natural” or “eco-friendly”

This is a common one since certain phrases can paint an earth-friendly picture without any regulations. For example, the phrase “certified organic” can only be used if the material or product is certified organic, but the word “organic” alone can be used in marketing in various ways, even if the material or product is not actually truly organic.

So, a bedding brand can have an ad campaign highlighting their sheets. It can include beautiful serene imagery in the background, with text such as “Embrace Mother Earth. Go Organic,” making consumers think that the product marketed is truly organic, but in actuality, only contains some organic cotton and then a blend of synthetic fibers.

Or let’s look at the term “all natural.” This is totally unregulated. Let’s say a campaign for a foundation states the cosmetic product is “made with all natural ingredients so you can organically glow from within.” Perhaps it includes a few “natural ingredients” that are safe and derived from plants, but then as you keep looking at the list, you notice toxic, chemical additives. So yes, it is “made with natural ingredients” but that doesn’t mean it is really ALL natural.

It’s all about playing with words, choosing ones that are popular and unregulated, and seeing if people notice. I don’t know about you, but that type of marketing seems highly problematic to us.

There is nothing wrong with brands using words like “organic” and “natural” on their own, but the product they are referencing should be primarily if not totally made of organic materials/ingredients. When a product is organic, companies will typically include a certification logo such as GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) that can be verified for authenticity with the regulatory agency via a database. Also look for a  dedicated certifications page on the company’s website so customers can view the company’s certifications. 

Using earth imagery

A brand can dress up an ad campaign with images of trees, flowers, waterfalls, forests, and wildlife to set the tone of a natural product without the product truly being natural. You can have a product with zero organic ingredients do this so it’s important to not get too distracted.

Perhaps a campaign for shampoo includes a quiet woodsy image in the ad, highlighting the notes of pine and cedar in the product. Maybe the name of the shampoo even has the word “organic” in the title. But make sure to check the ingredient list to see if it meets your standards before purchasing.

Eco-friendly promises

A company can make all sorts of claims about their vision and ways in which they are trying to decrease their carbon footprint or the amount of plastic they use. They can even try to steer your attention towards an environmentally positive change they’ve made such as introducing more cardboard packaging while hoping you don’t notice that there are toxic chemicals in their ingredient list.

Maybe they have made a donation to an environmental fund but meanwhile haven’t changed any of their manufacturing practices that is resulting in polluting our oceans.

Whatever the case may be, do your research. Maybe their pledge is genuine, or maybe it is an empty promise with dollar signs in mind.

Why Should Customers Care about Greenwashing?

Greenwashing takes away from the companies that are actually offering certified organic products, or promote ethical & environmentally-conscious manufacturing. It ignores the business leaders who spend a lot of time, energy, and money earning proper certifications for their materials or ingredients, and are meticulous about where they are sourcing these materials or ingredients from so that they know they are not only the best quality, but that they were made responsibly. This particularly affects small businesses that cannot keep up with the marketing campaigns of big players.

As more and more greenwashing companies are discovered, it also creates a sense of distrust in the commercial space, which was already present to begin with. Add in corporate greed with the facade of environmentalism, and you have a polluted shopping space where customers are asking: Which brands should I support?

It is unrealistic to state that any company is perfect. There is always room for improvement–whether that is in the ingredient list, the packaging, the supply chain, etc. But when in doubt, support small businesses with actions that backup their claims.

How to Solve Greenwashing

Well, unfortunately it’s easier said than done, and most of the work is currently on the consumer rather than through regulated terminology, which is unfair.

At the moment, the best thing to do is to invest in products from companies you think are doing the work. We always encourage supporting small businesses for many reasons, but one being that typically small businesses are not causing the large carbon footprint or heavy pollution through mass production that has negatively impacted the health of our planet.

Ask yourself what you are looking for in a brand, and make that known. Spread awareness about the unethical practices and promote those who are making a positive difference, whether through their products, their donations that are backed by other actions, or their business practices and values.

Look for transparency in the business realm, and ask questions when you are unsure.

And for business owners who are reading this: Evaluate your business. See where there is room for improvement, not in terms of increasing your revenue, but in terms of less waste, less pollution, and aiming for “certified organic” whenever possible for both the health of people and the planet.

The post What is Greenwashing? appeared first on Savvy Rest.

Why Decluttering Your Home is Good for Your Health Fri, 29 Mar 2024 16:52:22 +0000 Decluttering your home can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and even improve your sleep.

The post Why Decluttering Your Home is Good for Your Health appeared first on Savvy Rest.

Cleaning your home will make it look more polished, organized, and open. The counters will be shiny, the coffee table cleared off, and the laundry basket empty. But did you know it can have more positive benefits besides aesthetics?

Decluttering your home can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and even improve your sleep.

Keep reading to learn why a clean house can lead to a clearer mind, and how to get rid of clutter in your home.

Why am I stressed?

Well, that is a large question that is difficult to answer. However, if your home is messy, unorganized, and not a space you feel comfortable in, that absolutely can be contributing to poor mental health.

Our home is a place where we should always feel safe and rejuvenated, not anxious and on edge.

A simple change you can make in your life (that can cost next to nothing) is cleaning. Getting rid of stacks of papers, expired food, and piles of clothes that no longer fit can seriously have an impact on your mood.

Cozy, organized bedroom.

Why can’t I sleep?

Does your bedroom have piles of clothes on the floor, clutter on the dresser, and a closet that is so full you don’t even know what’s in there anymore? That might be why.

Studies show that a cluttered bedroom can lead to sleep disruptions, tossing and turning, and even a difficult time falling asleep in the first place.

The unhealthy sleep patterns can lead to struggles with mental health since sleep is very much tied to our ability to function in our daily lives.

So, if you are struggling with racing thoughts and anxiety while lying in bed, it’s worth evaluating your sleep space to see if that is an area that could use some TLC!

Why can’t I concentrate?

A Princeton University study found that clutter actually distracts the brain from being able to concentrate and stay productive. The piles of stuff can be overstimulating, which makes sense! It’s difficult to concentrate on reading a book when sitting in an overwhelming environment. 

This leads us to a question: Are you ready for a declutter challenge?

Organized wardrobe with clothing hangers.

Decluttering Tips

The first tip, and perhaps the most crucial, is to not approach this project with shame. Clutter is such a common issue in homes across America. It is easy to all of a sudden turn around after late nights working or taking care of the children and realize that the laundry is overflowing, or the kitchen table has seen better days.

If you approach this project from an unkind perspective, it will be less enjoyable. Yes, decluttering your home can actually be an exciting and rewarding experience with the right mindset and goals.

Here are some tips on how to declutter your home…

  • Start small: Organize the pantry, do a load of laundry, make the bed. Don’t try to declutter the entire house in one day. Small steps will lead to tangible progress that is also more sustainable long-term.
  • Figure out the most used room in the house: Do you spend most of your time in the kitchen? Or maybe your home office? Whatever that space is, try to tackle it first since you will notice the positive effects of decluttering immediately, which will inspire you to continue in other areas of the home.
  • Write down a “declutter checklist” aka your goals: Do you want a desk that you can utilize more efficiently while working? Or maybe you are sick of throwing out food because it gets lost in the back of the fridge? Write down what you want to accomplish through decluttering so you have clear goals.
  • Create a donate pile: Some items should leave your home. Instead of simply putting them in a box and stuffing them in the attic, create a donate pile so these things which no longer serve you can serve someone else.
  • Labels & storage cubes are your friend: Instead of having all of the kids’ toys covering every inch of their rooms, organize them in bins clearly labeled by category, such as Art Supplies, Stuffed Animals, and Books. This is also a great teaching opportunity for children so they can learn organizational skills and the importance of respecting their belongings. This same concept can be applied to the clothes in your closet, the baking supplies in the kitchen, etc.
  • Clean surfaces: Don’t forget about the dust when organizing! Dust the furniture, vacuum the carpets, and mop the floors. Your air purifier will thank you for the help!
  • Learn from the mishaps: When clearing out an area like your fridge, notice what you are throwing away. Is it wilted spinach? Forgotten leftovers? Expired fruit? Before grocery shopping, figure out a plan that will help decrease the chance of throwing away food. Perhaps you are over-buying, or you think you are going to make something that you never do. When we notice our habits, we can figure out what is and is not working, and then come up with a new solution.

How to Start Decluttering When Overwhelmed

Take a deep breath before you start cleaning if you are feeling overwhelmed by your declutter checklist.

Square breathing, also known as box breathing, is a great tip for anxiety. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold that breath for 4 seconds, exhale through your mouth for 4 seconds, and rest for another 4 seconds. Do this a few times to help calm your nervous system.

This is a powerful tool, not only when approaching decluttering your home, but in many moments in life that bring stress and discomfort. Regulating your nervous system can help tremendously when navigating tough times.

Ready to declutter your home?

As mentioned, there are so many benefits of decluttering. If you are ready to see improvements in your overall stress levels and sleep routine, put on your favorite song and get started. Happy cleaning!

The post Why Decluttering Your Home is Good for Your Health appeared first on Savvy Rest.

New to Low Tox Living: Where to Start Thu, 18 Jan 2024 17:56:34 +0000 Make a wishlist, figure out your budget, and start shopping!

The post New to Low Tox Living: Where to Start appeared first on Savvy Rest.

You’ve been doing your research and have discovered that products you thought were safe, aren’t. You are beginning to ask questions about material purity, manufacturing practices, harmful chemicals, and more. But all those specific questions can sometimes bring about the overwhelming ultimate question: Where do I start?

If you are new to non-toxic living (or low tox living, which is the more realistic term) and need help determining what to prioritize when switching over to a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle, keep reading.

1. Make a Low Tox Wish List

Sit down and write a list of products you’d like to swap out for natural alternatives–both large and smaller purchases. It may be even beneficial to organize the list by most to least costly, or perhaps you would prefer to organize your list based on rooms in the house. It doesn’t matter as long as it is clear to you!

Feel free to also include things that don’t cost any money, such as going outside and practicing grounding, or making a commitment to cook more meals at home rather than relying on fast food.

2. Figure out your Budget

Now, if you have enough money to spend thousands at a time, that’s amazing! But that’s not the reality for most households. So, it’s time to budget.

You can either pinpoint a yearly budget, or you can start small and go month by month. What can you afford to invest in this month? Or does this month need to be low spend and instead focused on the free or low cost options?

Whatever the case, make sure that you have a plan!

3. Start Shopping: Natural Products for the Home

Once you know your budget, you can start figuring out what you want to focus on first. Here is your ultimate guide to eco-friendly, sustainable products that will positively benefit your health, comfort, and home environment.

It’s time to minimize toxic off-gassing by saying no to products with VOCs, formaldehyde, chemical flame retardants, synthetic materials, fragrances, and more. Don’t worry–there are PLENTY of safer alternatives. 

Enjoy this curated list…


Serenity Organic Mattress by Savvy Rest

Why an organic mattress? We spend a third of our lives sleeping, which means we breathe in what our mattress is off-gassing. Avoid synthetic foams (memory foam and polyurethane foam) and instead opt for a natural latex mattress, preferably one that is GOTS-certified organic, like The Serenity.

Natural Talalay Latex Pillows

Again, what we sleep on matters, especially what our face is coming into contact with every night. If you have the budget, these natural Talalay latex pillows are made using Cradle to Cradle GOLD-certified latex and covered in knit organic cotton. If you are on a budget, we recommend shredded latex pillows instead, which still offer excellent comfort and support but at a lower price.

Natural Platform Bed

Avoid furniture treated with harsh stains that contain VOCs, formaldehyde, and other harmful chemicals. Opt for sustainable wood that is either unfinished or only stained with a zero-VOC finish. We love The Afton for a minimalistic look, or The Esmont for a timeless headboard.

Organic Cotton Sheets

Conventional sheets can contain pesticides, bleach, and toxic dyes that are coming into contact with your skin. GOTS-certified organic cotton sheets are the way to go when swapping out your bedding for a more natural option. We love these sheets because they are soft, minimalistic, and excellent quality.

Organic Cotton Blanket

Avoid harmful chemicals and toxic dyes with organic cotton. We love the herringbone weave of this cozy organic blanket.

Natural Duvet Insert

Instead of gravitating towards synthetic materials such as polyester, choose a duvet insert filled with temperature-regulating wool. This duvet insert is filled with natural, domestically-sourced wool that keeps you cool in the summer but warm in the winter. It is then covered in organic cotton free from pesticides.

Essential Oil Diffuser

While you can add an essential oil diffuser anywhere in your home, there’s something especially relaxing about keeping one in your bedroom. Lavender and bergamot essential oils are excellent for relaxation and promoting restful sleep. We love the selection of essential oil diffusers at Mountain Rose Herbs when curating your non-toxic bedroom.

Salt Lamp

Salt lamps help purify the air, and they are also just so beautiful and soothing to look at. We love the selection of Himalayan Salt Lamps at Himalayan Trading Co.

Low-VOC Carpet

This is definitely more of an investment but traditional carpet is typically made of synthetic materials that can offgas nasty chemicals into your bedroom air environment. To reduce toxins in your bedroom, choose a GreenGuard GOLD certified carpet made of wool, jute, or cotton. There are plenty of hypoallergenic carpets available if that is an important detail to you as well. Check out this helpful guide.


Organic Sofa

Don’t lounge on synthetic fabrics treated with questionable dyes and lurking with PFAS. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that PFAS were found in the blood of 97% of Americans. This is staggering and even more reason to work towards introducing safer products into your home. Avoid toxic glues, chemically-treated upholstery, particleboard, and harsh stains. Opt for organic furniture made using natural materials such as organic cotton, natural latex, sustainably-sourced wood, and organic wool batting. We love the Verona sofa.

Organic Armchair

Look for upholstered chairs made with fabrics such as organic cotton or organic hemp. The Verona armchair comes in many different organic fabrics, includes zero-VOC finishes for the maple wooden feet, and even has two different arm heights available. 

Natural Coffee Table

Some coffee tables are made using engineered wood which can contain formaldehyde, a human carcinogen. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that exposure to formaldehyde can indeed cause cancer, particularly leukemia and cancers related to the naval cavity. We recommend choosing furniture that is crafted with natural, sustainably-sourced wood and is either untreated or simply stained with zero-VOC finishes. If you cannot afford brand new natural furniture, you can look into antique furniture instead which was not produced with some of the harsh chemicals found in modern day furniture manufacturing.

Air Purifier

Clean up your home air environment by filtering viruses, dust, pet dander, and other allergens through an air purifier. You should ideally have an air purifier in your living room AND bedroom since you spend the most time in those two rooms. Air purifiers come in different sizes so make sure you know the square footage of your space to determine which air purifier to purchase. While there are a ton of options out there, Homedics is a reliable brand.

Non-Toxic Rug

An area rug is a statement piece in your living room, but it shouldn’t make a statement of toxic chemicals. Thankfully there are eco-friendly, natural rugs that look beautiful and won’t negatively impact your home air environment. Here are some fantastic options when shopping for a rug.


Cast Iron Skillet

While using a non-stick pan is very tempting, a cast iron skillet is one of the most low tox options at your disposal when trying to avoid PFAS. You’ll fall in love since these pans do an excellent job of retaining heat, are super easy to clean, and will stand the test of time. You can easily get one second hand as well if you’re on a budget! Learn more about other non-toxic cookware options.

Silicone Sandwich Bags

Ditch plastic sandwich bags and instead switch to silicone bags that can be reused. This is a durable and eco-friendly option without phthalates or BPA. You can find these at grocery stores, Target, Walmart, and just about anywhere where food storage containers are sold.

Glass Food Storage Containers

Stop heating your food in plastic! Instead heat and/or store your food in glass containers. You can even use certain glass containers in the freezer, just make sure to buy a container specifically designed for this.

Non-Toxic Cooking Utensils

Our spatulas, spoons, knives, and other cooking utensils matter since these tools come into direct contact with heat as we prepare our food. Avoid PVCs and phthalates by opting for BPA-free silicone or stainless steel. Here are some safe options.


Natural Shampoo & Conditioner

Finding a low tox shampoo is actually easier than you think! There is definitely more variety online, but retailers such as Whole Foods do have options in-store. Our current favorite shampoos and conditioners are from Innersense. They even have a store locator if you wish to check out their products in person.

Bamboo Toothbrush

Say no to plastic toothbrushes that end up in landfills and never break down. Bamboo toothbrushes are a much more sustainable option that is still effective.

Hand Soap

We are constantly washing our hands, so it’s important to think about what we are using. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) can irritate skin, and all sorts of fragrance is added to conventional soap filled with chemicals we aren’t even given a proper list of (all it needs to say on a label is “fragrance”). Here are some brands to consider: Branch Basics, Kosmatology, and Mama Suds.

Microbiome-Friendly Body Wash

Don’t try out your skin with harsh ingredients that strip your body of its natural oils. Instead, feed your skin with microbiome friendly, non-toxic body wash, like Aleavia. Cleanse the body with coconut oil, acadian sea kelp, dead sea salt, and aloe vera.

Organic Cotton Towels

Look for towels that are made of organic cotton and are GOTS-certified. Brands such as Under the Canopy and Coyuchi have high quality options.


Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

We use and love Branch Basics because it is fragrance free, biodegradable, and made with natural ingredients like organic chamomile and baking soda. This concentrate can be used for all your cleaning needs (all-purpose spray, bathroom, glass, hand soap, and even laundry detergent). Learn more about how it works.

Laundry Detergent

We all need to clean our clothes, but so many of the detergents you see at the grocery store are filled with harmful fragrances and chemicals that can lead to irritated skin and allergic reactions. If you are trying to find a low tox detergent that works well, here are some brands to consider: Branch Basics, Molly’s Suds, and Zuma Nutrition. You can also read this natural laundry detergent guide.

Low Tox Makeup

Our skin is our largest organ, so what we put on our face matters. Ditch foundation made of ingredients you can’t pronounce. Instead, choose products that are packed with natural, hydrating ingredients that are safe for even the most sensitive skin. Some brands to check out: ILIA, RMS Beauty, Tower 28, and Kosas. You can find them all at Sephora.


Introducing plants into your home is such a low-cost way to make a positive impact. Did you know aloe vera is an excellent plant at purifying air? If you can’t afford an air purifier at the moment, the next best thing is to get some plant friends and to also make sure you are opening the windows for fresh air every so often.

Are you ready?

It’s time for you to begin your low tox living journey. We hope this list of sustainable products has helped you feel confident in where you’d like to start. Good luck!

The post New to Low Tox Living: Where to Start appeared first on Savvy Rest.

Holiday Gift Guide: Cozy Gifts for Friends, Family, & Yourself Wed, 25 Oct 2023 19:29:30 +0000 Easy & useful gifts for your loved ones.

The post Holiday Gift Guide: Cozy Gifts for Friends, Family, & Yourself appeared first on Savvy Rest.

Shopping for the holidays but not sure where to start? We love a good “cozy themed” gift that your loved one can use rather than something that simply sits and collects dust.

We also encourage you to shop small and support small businesses this holiday season (and all year round)! That’s why we’ve curated a fun list of gifts featuring brands or independent artisans we love.

Whether you’re shopping for your spouse, your mom, your friend, or even yourself (no judgment), here are some relaxing gifts that are sure to be appreciated.

For the Reader

  • Organic Cotton Throw Blanket by Savvy Rest: This organic blanket is perfect for cuddling up on the couch while reading a book. The blanket is a natural cream color with a beautiful herringbone weave. It also comes with a reusable tote bag.
  • Handmade Book Sleeve by Queentopaz Creations (Etsy): These book sleeves are incredibly useful to those who travel with books and want to make sure they stay protected! Available in multiple patterns and sizes.
  • Crochet Bookmark by ComicSamsCrafts (Etsy): Every reader needs a bookmark, and there’s nothing better than an adorable handmade one. This Etsy seller creates cute bookmarks in the shape of mushrooms, tea cups, and more.
  • A Book You Love: This is a simple but meaningful idea. If you have read a book that holds a special place in your heart, why not give a copy to a friend who also loves that genre?
  • A Handmade Mug: Every reader needs a mug for coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. There are dozens of options on Etsy or you can always check out your local consignment store for a special secondhand find.

For the Candle Queen (or King)

  • Fontana Candle Co: These festive candles are MADE SAFE certified and are crafted using high quality essential oils.
  • Green Fig & Ginger Candle by Sundays: Sundays uses 100% non-GMO soybean wax for their sustainable candles. The wick is made of 100% unbleached cotton and their candles never contain parabens or petroleum. We love the handmade ceramic container that can be reused as a pot for succulents or a decor piece anywhere in the house. 
  • GrowFragrance Candles: You might have heard of this brand for their natural home sprays but did you know they also make non-toxic candles? Choose between Pomegranate Fig, Amber Santal, or Blondewood for a cozy night in. 

For the Sleepyhead

  • Organic Cotton Sheets by Savvy Rest: There is nothing cozier than a fresh set of sheets. We love these organic sheets because they are crafted from high quality organic cotton that is free from toxic dyes, pesticides, bleach, and other harmful chemicals. They are also a neutral cream color so you know they will go with your friend’s bedroom decor.
  • Organic Cotton Sleep Masks by The Good Tee: These sleep masks are fair trade certified and made using deadstock organic cotton that is GOTS-certified. We love that they use eco-friendly dyes and are utilizing fabrics that would otherwise be discarded.
  • Handmade Nightlight: This is a unique and economical gift. There are so many beautiful handmade nightlights on Etsy that are crafted by talented artisans. Whether you think your friend would like a nature-inspired nightlight or one in the shape of a cat, there is something for everyone.

For the Mom-to-Be

  • Organic Kapok Body Pillow by Savvy Rest: This organic body pillow is perfect to use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Body pillows offer extra support while side sleeping and can help keep the spine aligned while providing plenty of pressure point relief. This particular body pillow is filled with soft, fluffy kapok. You can even add an organic waterproof mattress protector for extra coverage.
  • Organic Waterproof Mattress Protector by Savvy Rest: This is a MUST for those who cosleep or for a child’s bed that faces the occasional accident. This even comes in handy for those with dogs or cats. Whatever your home environment, this is an excellent way to protect your mattress from all the spills and messes of life.
  • TLC Trio by Natalist: Looking for a soothing gift during pregnancy? This trio includes nausea relief tea, belly oil, and cooling cream to help alleviate stomach aches and nourish the skin. These products are vegan, gluten free, paraben free, phthalate free, made in the USA, and 100% plastic neutral. 
  • The Baby Kit by Primally Pure: Can’t forget baby! If there is a newborn in your life, this baby kit contains a baby bar, baby oil, baby powder, and baby balm that are gentle enough for the most sensitive skin. Primally Pure uses sustainably-sourced ingredients that are wildcrafted and ethically processed. 

For the New Homeowner

  • The Essentials Bedding Bundle by Savvy Rest: If you’re looking to splurge a bit for a friend or relative who has bought a new home, this is the perfect gift. The Essentials Bedding Bundle comes with two shredded latex pillows, organic cotton sheets, and a waterproof mattress protector.
  • Essential Oil Diffuser by Mountain Rose Herbs: We love the selection of essential oil diffusers at Mountain Rose Herbs. They will not only help fill your loved one’s new home with the gorgeous aroma of their favorite essential oils, but they also look like a decorative piece rather than just another device. They even have options for travel!
  • Handmade Slippers: Etsy has a vast array of slippers that are cozy and ethically made. Slippers are one of those things that immediately creates a comfy, soothing feeling and that’s just what you need after a big move.

For the Animal Lover

  • Organic Kapok Pillow by Savvy Rest: Kapok is a plant-based alternative to down that is perfect for your vegan friends, or really for anyone who loves a soft, cozy pillow! 
  • Savvy Doggy Pet Bed by Savvy Rest: This organic pet bed is a must for anyone with a dog! Filled with natural latex and covered in organic cotton, Savvy Rest pet beds are supportive and comfy. Maybe the dog will stop taking over the sofa!
  • A Personalized Gift: You can find t-shirts, sweatshirts, blankets, and even art pieces that you can customize with your friend’s dog or cat! Etsy is a great place to start.

We hope this guide has helped you find the perfect gift for your loved one (or yourself).

The post Holiday Gift Guide: Cozy Gifts for Friends, Family, & Yourself appeared first on Savvy Rest.

9 Gift Ideas for Natural Living Fri, 19 Aug 2022 05:00:00 +0000 Give the gift of health.

The post 9 Gift Ideas for Natural Living appeared first on Savvy Rest.

Natural living ideas are all over the internet but what about gift ideas for someone looking to create a more non-toxic home?

If your friend has only just started their holistic living journey, they might feel overwhelmed by all the various products out there.

The first thing to remember is that it’s not a race and realistically, it will take time to incorporate organic products into their daily routine. However, you can help your friend get started with one of these thoughtful gifts.

Here are 9 healthy home gifts they’ll love.

1. Organic Cotton Blanket

Everyone needs a blanket so you’ll know this will be a useful gift.

This organic cotton soft blanket is beautifully-made in the United States with a gorgeous herringbone weave. The natural cream color works well with any bedroom decor. It also comes in throw size for the living room sofa.

2. Organic Sheets

We spend a third of our lives in bed so the quality and materials in our bedding absolutely matters. That’s why we always recommend organic cotton sheets that are made without pesticides, bleach, or other harmful chemicals. Who doesn’t love being treated to new quality cotton sheets?

Essential Oils and herbs

3. Essential Oils & Diffuser

Essential oils are very popular for their potential health benefits. They can invigorate or calm the senses, depending on which oils you choose.

If you wish to create an uplifting space for your friend, we recommend the citrus scent of bergamot essential oils.

If you want to create a tranquil environment, lavender essential oils are always popular.

An essential oils diffuser will allow the soothing scents to fill their space sothey can enjoy the benefits of essential oils for hours.

We recommend using certified organic essential oils or wild-harvested essential oils from a sustainable source.

4. Sustainably-Made Tote Bag

Organic cotton tote bags can be used at the farmers market, grocery store, or when traveling. This is such a functional and economical gift.

One of the best sites to get tote bags is Etsy because there are a vast array of designs featured by small businesses!

5. Air Purifier

Give your friend the gift of improved air quality. Every natural home needs an air purifier, ideally multiple ones for the most utilized rooms.

Air purifiers help clear indoor air of harmful chemicals, dust, dander, pollen, and airborne diseases. Air purifiers are also very helpful from those who suffer from asthma or allergies.

There are many quality air purifiers on the market so find one that is within your price range but will still filter out air pollutants with a HEPA filter.

We personally love this HoMedics Air Purifier.

6. Stainless Steel Containers

Stainless steel containers are great eco-friendly kitchen items that reduce waste while keeping food fresh.

Instead of using plastic containers that may include BPA’s, stainless steel containers are safe, durable, and will last for years.

This may not seem like an exciting gift but it’s a solid choice that your friend will use regularly.

7. Water Filter

The quality of our water is vital to our health so your loved one would absolutely appreciate a water filter for the kitchen. It makes for a great house-warming gift or wedding gift!

This water filter is designed to remove viruses, bacteria, trihalomethanes, and more. However, there are other more affordable options on the market as well if this is out of your price range.

Organic skincare

8. Organic Skincare

Organic and natural skincare is a fun yet important part of a daily routine. Our skin is our largest organ so what we put on it matters. Ingredients in your cleanser, moisturizer, and other skincare products should be both safe and effective.

Treat your friend to a bundle of your favorite organic skincare items. One of our favorite brands is Osmia, founded by Dr. Sarah Villafranco.

9. Aloe Vera Plant

This list would not be complete without some greenery. We love a good low-maintenance plant that is also a natural air purifier.
Aloe Vera is not only a wonderful plant to act as a touch of green home decor, but it also has potential health benefits since it is considered a medicinal plant.

Cut open one of the leaves and use the clear gel for sunburns, bug bites, or even in a smoothie for an antioxidant boost. Aloe Vera can also aid in healthy digestion and can strengthen the immune system.

Aloe vera plants can typically be found at your local nursery or grocery store.

Whichever gift you choose, your friend will know that you care about their health and happiness, and that means everything.

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Natural Furniture for the Non-Toxic Home Tue, 19 Jul 2022 05:00:00 +0000 Sustaianble furniture for you.

The post Natural Furniture for the Non-Toxic Home appeared first on Savvy Rest.

Shopping for furniture to create a more non-toxic home for you and your family?

Sustainable furniture brands aim to create bedroom and living room furniture made of natural materials that are safe for people and the planet.

We recommend looking for furniture made in the United States using certified organic fabrics, zero-VOC stains, and sustainably-sourced wood.

Check out the certifications page on a brand’s site to see how much they value sourcing sustainable materials and going through the certification process to prove their commitment to sustainable manufacturing practices.

Savvy Rest is an employee-owned B Corp that offers natural platform beds, organic sofas, wooden coffee tables, and more.

Here are a few pieces we think you’ll love.

Natural platform bed, The Afton by Savvy Rest.

1. The Afton Platform Bed

This simple platform bed is perfect for any home because of its minimal, timeless design.

The Afton is made of sustainably-sourced maple and poplar wood. Choose between several zero-VOC finishes: Linseed Oil, Cedar, Mahogany, and Walnut.

The best part about this platform bed? No tools are required for assembly!

Platform bed made of sustainably-sourced wood.

2. The Esmont Platform Bed

If you prefer a platform bed with a headboard, The Esmont is the perfect choice.

The headboard is made of sustainably-sourced maple, which offers beautiful wood grain that make each piece so unique.

Choose between a slatted or solid headboard, along with a zero-VOC stain.

Verona organic sofa in organic cotton/hemp fabric.

3. The Verona Organic Sofa

A living room sofa is the focal point of the room. You want it to be beautifully-crafted and aesthetically pleasing, but also comfortable and durable. And of course, you want a sustainable sofa made of natural and organic materials!

The Verona organic sofa has a modern tuxedo style with sleek lines.

It is made of materials such as certified organic cotton and hemp upholstery, sustainably-sourced wood, natural Talalay latex, certified organic wool, and natural jute webbing.

The end result is a comfortable couch that is sustainably-made and will look beautiful in any living space.

Choose between several zero-VOC finishes and organic fabrics.

If a sofa is too large for the space you are furnishing, check out Savvy Rest organic armchairs, loveseats, and ottomans.

Natural, eco-friendly coffee tables and benches.

4. Maple Wood Coffee Table or Bench

This sustainable coffee table is made in Virginia using sustainably-sourced wood and zero-VOC finishes.

The modern coffee table is available with or without the added shelf for extra storage. We love using the shelf for books, blankets, or decorative pieces that can be swapped out for each holiday.

A similar design is also offered in this wooden bench, which is pictured above.

Happy shopping!

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7 Organic Food Blogs for Healthy Home Cooking Fri, 07 Aug 2020 05:00:00 +0000 Healthy eats.

The post 7 Organic Food Blogs for Healthy Home Cooking appeared first on Savvy Rest.

Eating more meals at home? Now is a great time to try new recipes and explore different types of cuisine. Healthy food can be packed with flavor (and there are even healthy desserts that will satisfy your sweet tooth).

Head to the kitchen! Here are 7 organic food blogs for healthy home cooking.

1. Minimalist Baker

Like the name suggests, this blog is all about minimalism. So, no overly complicated recipes that take forever! Instead, each recipe meets one of the following: 10 ingredients or less, one bowl, or 30 minutes or less to prepare.

And it’s not just sweet treats–there are recipes for lunch, dinner, dips, salads, and more.

What I love about this blog is how it’s organized. There is a super helpful filter tool that allows you to choose things like diet (vegan, gluten free), cuisine (Asian-inspired, Italian-inspired), ingredients, and more when searching for a recipe.

Once you choose a recipe, you can even adjust the serving size and the recipe measurements will automatically adjust as well! So easy!

This blog is great for: Someone who appreciates healthy eats and organization!

2. Sprouted Kitchen

Sara Forte is the recipe innovator while her husband Hugh is the photographer that captures all the delicious moments. The couple published a cookbook, The Sprouted Kitchen: A Tastier Take on Whole Foods. They also have a blog.

With satisfying recipes for every season, Sprouted Kitchen is perfect for every foodie.

This blog is great for: Someone who loves Mediterranean-style food that is good for the body and soul!

3. Gourmande in the Kitchen

Gourmande in the Kitchen is all about “feel good food made easy.” The recipes are perfect for organic, healthy living since they are free from gluten, refined sugar, and processed ingredients.

This blog covers a variety of diets, from paleo to vegan. It’s also worth checking out if you have food allergies!

This blog is great for: Someone with dietary restrictions who appreciates organic food.

4. Love and Lemons

Jeanie and Jack are a Chicago-based couple with a love for vegetarian food! They also have plenty of recipes that are vegan and/or gluten free.

While they have a blog, The Love and Lemons Cookbook has also received impressive reviews! The New York Times said “happiness itself is tossed in every bowl.”

This blog is great for: Someone who wants to be vegetarian for a day (or a lifetime).

5. Green Kitchen Stories

Green Kitchen Stories is another blog that is perfect for the whole family.

Luise and David believe in the power of natural ingredients, whole grains, good fats, and of course, lots of fruits and vegetables! They have a passion for organic products and healthy, vegetarian recipes which is why they chose the name Green Kitchen Stories.

Check out their blog.

This blog is great for: Someone who wants to prove to their children that vegetables are not gross.

6. Baker by Nature

This is my favorite blog for when my sweet tooth wants to be heard (which is often).

While I wouldn’t describe the recipes as super healthy and organic, they are certainly nourishing to the soul (and that’s important too, right?).

Ashley is the mastermind behind Baker by Nature and every recipe of hers that I’ve tried has been a big hit! My favorite so far is her vegan chocolate chip cookies. Do yourself a favor and make these!

This blog is great for: Someone with a sweet tooth!

7. Tabitha Brown

I feel like any food-related list is incomplete without mentioning Tabitha Brown.

Tabitha not only gets you excited about food but she also gets you excited about life. She is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day and her millions of followers agree.

Tabitha mostly shares her vegan recipes on Instagram through fun video tutorials. Make sure to give her a follow!

Tabitha Brown is great for: EVERYONE!

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7 Children’s Bedroom Essentials: Mattresses, Bedding, & Furniture Tue, 19 Nov 2019 05:00:00 +0000 Natural bedroom necessities.

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A child’s bedroom should be a safe and comforting space. It’s a room for play, creativity, and of course, sleep.

The centerpiece of the bedroom is the mattress—so why are there so many toxic ones on the market?

Additionally, there is furniture with chemically-treated stains, bedding with cotton sourced from farms that use pesticides, duvets filled with questionable synthetic materials, and the list goes on.

Luckily, there are organic bedding and natural furniture options for the whole family.

Here are some Savvy Rest children’s bedroom essentials so you can turn your child’s space into a healthy and cozy oasis.

1. The Mattress

Savvy Rest offers several mattress models. Some of the mattresses contain only natural latex, while others are a hybrid with both natural latex and springs.

One option that is cost-effective and excellent for children is the Earthspring. Made with organic Dunlop latex, Bonnell springs, and natural coir (coconut fiber blended with natural latex), the Earthspring is supportive and comfortable for growing children.

The casing is made of organic cotton and organic wool batting. The wool acts as a natural flame barrier. Savvy Rest never uses chemical flame retardants.

Prefer a mattress that is customizable and doesn’t contain springs? The Tranquility mattress is another popular choice for children and is completely GOTS-certified organic.

Made of two layers of natural latex, customers are able to choose between Soft, Medium, and Firm layers of Dunlop and Talalay latex.

A neutral and supportive configuration for children is Soft Dunlop over Medium Dunlop.

Natural platform bed

2. Natural Platform Bed

A latex mattress must be supported by a sturdy platform bed or foundation (not a box spring) with slats about 2-3 inches apart.

The Afton platform bed is made of sustainably-sourced maple and poplar wood, along with zero-VOC stains. No harsh chemicals, varnishes, plywood, or cardboard are used in our platform beds.

3. Waterproof Mattress Protector

When purchasing a mattress, a mattress protector is essential and a waterproof one is ideal, particularly for children.

To stop spills and accidents from affecting the mattress, opt for an organic waterproof protector. It gets the job done without introducing harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde into the home.

4. Organic Cotton Sheets

We come into direct contact with our sheets every night so it’s important that they’re made of a natural material without any pesticides or toxic dyes.

Savvy Rest organic sateen sheets are a neutral cream color that easily goes with any decor.

Organic pillows

5. Organic Pillows

Searching for a pillow, especially for a child, can sometimes be a daunting task. You want something that isn’t too full since that will strain the neck.

Customizable pillows allow you to unzip the inner casing and remove as much of the fill as you’d like to achieve the desired height and feel you or your child needs.

Savvy Rest offers four different pillow fills: organic kapok, organic wool, natural shredded latex, and a wool-latex blend.

The variety of organic pillow options allows every member of the family to get exactly what they need for a good night’s sleep.

6. Natural Duvet

A natural duvet insert is made without polyester or materials treated with harsh chemicals.

A fantastic duvet fill is wool since it’s temperature-regulating. Wool keeps you cool in the summer but warm in the winter.

Make sure the duvet is covered in organic cotton as well! The outside fabric is just as important as the fill.

7. Organic Cotton Blanket

Organic cotton blankets are essentials throughout the household—whether in bed or lounging on the couch.

Savvy Rest carries two colors: natural and buffalo brown.

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9 Foods that Help Boost Your Immune System Thu, 15 Aug 2019 05:00:00 +0000 Delicious & healthy.

The post 9 Foods that Help Boost Your Immune System appeared first on Savvy Rest.

Feel like you’re always getting sick? Or want to avoid catching a cold that’s going around the office? First, make sure you’re getting enough sleep! After that, start adding some immune-boosting foods to your diet.

But, what are these special magical foods you ask? Keep reading.

1. Yogurt

Whether you eat dairy, almond, soy, or coconut milk yogurt–we can all agree that yogurt is delicious and a very easy snack to have on the go!

What makes yogurt so good for your immune system? Live and active cultures.

Your immune system depends greatly on gut health. Live and active cultures are probiotics that promote digestion and healthy gut bacteria.

What we consume can greatly affect our gut microbes and our body’s vitamin-intake, digestion habits, and energy level.

Yogurt contains healthy proteins, vitamins, and “good bacteria” so whether you eat it with granola, some local honey, or plain–it’s a wonderful addition to your diet!

2. Elderberry

Elderberry syrup is a powerful tool to help boost your immune system. Whether you’re trying not to get sick, or you’re already sick and want to recover as soon as possible, elderberry is your friend.

Elderberries are packed with antioxidants that especially come in handy during cold and flu season.

In a Norwegian study, 60 patients who had experienced flu-like symptoms were given either elderberry syrup or a placebo syrup within the first 48 hours of their symptoms to see if the elderberry syrup would aid the patients and if so, to what degree. Those who were given the elderberry syrup were no longer suffering from the virus at a much faster-rate (on average about 4 days sooner) than those who took the placebo.

3. Kiwi

Did you know that kiwis are more heavily concentrated with Vitamin C than oranges? Whenever we hear “Vitamin C,” we typically think of a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Yes, oranges are an excellent source of this essential vitamin but kiwis should not be underestimated!

One cup of sliced kiwi has about 167 milligrams of Vitamin C. It would take about 1 ¾ cups of sliced oranges to equal this amount.

If you really want to be an over-achiever, Guava has a whopping 377 milligrams of Vitamin C per cup.

Cloves of garlic.

4. Garlic

Garlic is another incredible resource when it comes to aiding the immune system.

Crushed garlic contains allicin which can help strengthen white blood cells and their ability to fight off viruses.

So, whether you want to include it in a sauce or take it in capsules, garlic is worth considering if you can get past the potent aroma.

5. Spinach

Spinach is packed with Vitamins A and C, along with iron and zinc. You can make a spinach salad, sauteed spinach with garlic as a side dish, or put some in your morning smoothie. There are many ways to enjoy this leafy green while getting all its health benefits!

6. Matcha

Speaking of green, matcha powder is another amazing way for you to boost your immune system.

Matcha is a type of green tea that is rich in antioxidants and can help fight pathogens and kill off harmful bacteria. It is also a great source of magnesium, zinc, and Vitamin C.

Mushroom soup

7. Mushrooms

Yes, mushroom ravioli and portobello burgers are insanely delicious but mushrooms have more than just culinary benefits.

Certain mushrooms like lion’s mane and reishi can be taken in the form of powder. Lion’s mane is said to help with brain fog and reishi can help alleviate anxiety and promote restful sleep. Both can also help boost the immune system.

Learn more here.

8. Nuts

Whether you prefer a handful of cashews and almonds, or you go for nut butter with some sliced apples, nuts are an excellent way to help boost your immune system.

Nuts are high in Vitamin E, particularly almonds and hazelnuts. Vitamin E helps protect cells from free radicals and fights against viruses and harmful bacteria.

9. Dark Chocolate

Last but certainly not least is dark chocolate.

While you shouldn’t go too crazy, indulging in a small amount of dark chocolate actually has health benefits other than keeping you sane after a long day.

Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and boost your immune system.

Unlike white or milk chocolate, dark chocolate isn’t known for having a high sugar content. Always opt for chocolate that has more cacao than sugar!

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The Power of Herbal Remedies: 10 Herbs You Should Know Tue, 25 Jun 2019 05:00:00 +0000 The beauty of nature.

The post The Power of Herbal Remedies: 10 Herbs You Should Know appeared first on Savvy Rest.

Disclaimer: Please speak to a healthcare professional before taking any herbal supplements. Some herbs may counteract with prescription medications or may not be suitable for individuals with certain health risks. The information presented in this article is not medical advice and should not be treated as such.

Humans have been using herbal remedies for thousands of years. Earth is home to a vast array of natural resources, each with their own characteristics and purposes.

Some plants & herbs offer medicinal benefits. They can help decrease stomach pains, increase brain function, and alleviate anxiety.

While there are so many herbs that deserve recognition, here are just 10 to help get you started if you’re new to herbal remedies.

health benefits of turmeric

1. Turmeric

Let’s start with the basics. Turmeric is a popular root that most are familiar with, particularly in Indian cooking. But it doesn’t simply add flavor to curry–it also has incredible health benefits.

Turmeric contains curcumin which is a known anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Curcumin can help boost your immune system and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Turmeric can also help protect and detoxify the liver and aid the digestive system.

Learn more about the health benefits of turmeric here.

2. Valerian Root

This is an amazing herb! Valerian root is used to relax and calm the mind, making it a valuable root to those who struggle with anxiety or sleeplessness.

If you are someone who has difficulty slowing down your thoughts before bedtime, valerian root may be helpful due to its sedative qualities.

Prescription medications for insomnia carry the risk of addiction whereas valerian root is an herb you can use when you wish without becoming too dependent.

You may take valerian root in a capsule or in a tincture.

Learn more about valerian root here.

health benefits of St. John's wort

3. St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is commonly used by herbalists to aid those suffering from depression. It is considered one of the most popularly sold herbs in the United States.

This herb helps lift the spirit and positively affects the mood by targeting the brain’s serotonin and dopamine levels. When these levels are too low, feelings of hopelessness and low energy may be experienced.

Please be advised that if you are currently on antidepressants, or are taking hormonal contraceptives, it is important to speak to a healthcare professional before taking St. John’s Wort.

4. Dong Quai

Did you know that Dong Quai is in the same plant family as celery and parsley?

This Chinese herb is multi-faceted and promotes healthy blood circulation. It is believed that Dong Quai can help balance our hormones, which can aid a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Organic Olivia, a popular herbalist and businesswoman in the organic living community, uses this particular herb in both her hormone regulating tincture to support uterine health as well as her hair tincture to stimulate blood flow to the scalp.

Dong Quai is a root that can be taken in a capsule or tincture. Please be advised that this is a blood thinning herb, so those prescribed blood thinners may wish to steer clear. As always, speak to a healthcare professional.

Learn more about Dong Quai here.

health benefits of lemon balm

5. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is taken by those who wish to reduce stress and anxiety. The leaf of this plant is known for its soothing qualities when consumed in a tincture or cup of tea.

The herb may also be used topically to relieve bug bites or cold sores due to its antiviral properties.

Learn more about lemon balm here.

6. Rosemary

When you think of rosemary, the first thing that comes to mind may be the incredible aroma of its leaves. Pair it with lavender or basil and your nose will be in absolute heaven.

But rosemary has value beyond its decadent scent. It is an anti-inflammatory and is also thought to be useful for relieving headaches, improving memory, and increasing energy levels.

This Mediterranean herb is also great for those who need a little more iron or calcium in their diet.

health benefits of garlic

7. Garlic

Have a cold? Some garlic may help boost your immune system and get those annoying symptoms to go away faster.

One 12-week study looked at those who were taking daily garlic supplements versus those simply taking a placebo. The study concluded that those taking the garlic supplement had “significantly fewer colds than the placebo group.” For those who experienced cold symptoms in both test groups, those taking the supplement experienced symptoms for a shorter period of time.

8. Peppermint

Let’s transition from potent garlic to refreshing peppermint, shall we?

Peppermint is gentle on your digestive system and can be mixed with green tea to create a soothing blend when nauseous.

Peppermint may also help relieve migraine pain. Some find it soothing to apply diluted peppermint oil to the temples when experiencing discomfort. Peppermint oil may also be used in a diffuser.

Healthline notes that while there aren’t many studies on the effectiveness of this practice, it is believed peppermint oil may help stimulate blood flow.

health benefits of ginseng

9. Ginseng

There are various types of ginseng root, from Brazilian to American, though Red Ginseng (also known as Korean Ginseng) is considered to be the original and most popular variety.

Ginseng is used to decrease stress and improve mental clarity. It is believed that it can also help reduce inflammation.

Learn more about Ginseng here.

10. Cramp Bark

This plant has a slightly odd name but is worth mentioning!

Cramp bark is used as a muscle relaxant and can particularly aid women who experience cramps during menstruation.

Anne Price, a Certified Holistic Health Coach, writes about the various benefits of cramp bark, mentioning its potential positive effect for those diagnosed with endometriosis.

Cramp bark isn’t just for women though–men experiencing discomfort from muscle spasms may also try this herb.

Educate Yourself

We encourage you to do your own research and learn more about herbal remedies with your own health goals in mind. Be curious and ask questions!

The post The Power of Herbal Remedies: 10 Herbs You Should Know appeared first on Savvy Rest.
